Tuesday, 20 October 2020

This Part of Me

What do I say about this part of me?
That does not want to be me
That does not want to live in this house
That knows not it is better to be free.

It hides behind a smoky shade
Awake or asleep;
I do not care about these concrete stairs
That are hard on my feet
I only admire the blue in sky until
It threatens to seep into me.
Only at the sound of the first fallen leaf
I no longer if ever desire to meet again
This part forever bereft of me.

But this time, I say:
Wide open are my long locked doors
And here's the key to my property
And I say to you, worry not
If the bird in my cage no longer soars
And my being is wet from all that pours
If my part in this play isn't cast
on a stage that no longer lasts.

With no promises that I shall remain.
What do I say about this part of me?

You need not remember
On those forever stairs,
how I danced on my feet.
You need not wonder
Whether the blue in the sky
Is the same shade once a part of me.